page 2, line 4
Please replace ``(1.1.1)'' with ``(1.1.2)''
page 6, line 10
Please replace ``106'' with ``220''
page 12, equation (1.3.11).
Contributed by Phu Juvy
The bold-faced "0" should be "1" in two
places on the left-hand side.
page 13, lines 4 and 5.
Please change ``33.6'' in line 4 to ``16.7'',
and the ``33.6'' in line 5 to ``2''.
Please note that 1 Mb = 210 KByte = 1024 KByte,
and 1 KByte = 1024 Byte;
thus, 1 Mb = 220 Byte = 1,048,576 Byte
= 8,388,608 bits.
page 15, third line after equation (1.3.1).
Contributed by Christine Valley
Please modify to read:
"... and another set of bytes for the exponent."
page 21, Last line before (1.4.1)
Please replace ''nonnegative'' with ''nonpositive''.
page 26, Figure 1.4.1
Please insert the inadvertedly omitted labels "(a), (b), (c), (d)".
page 37, second illustration.
The second illustration is somewhat misleading.
At each
time level, only the odd- or even-numbered bins are filled.
page 59, second line
Contributed by Denis Donnelly
Please change "L X N " to "L X M"
page 68, problem 2.2.6(a)
Please change "expect" to "except"
page 74, equation (2.3.5).
Please change
to "Al,k
and "i=1"
to "l=1".
page 74, third line of Problem 2.3.3
Please change "8.2" to "6.2".
page 75, second line below Table 2.3.2
Please change "of" to "or".
page 86, equation (2.5.18)
Please change "D" to "E"
on the left-hand side.
page 87, last line before ALGORITHM (2.6.1)
Please change "i=k,...,N" to "i=k+1,...N".
page 114, equation (2.10.7)
Please change the second superscript "(1)" to "(2)"
page 140, equation (3.3.23).
The bold-faced "v" inside the parentheses in the
denominator on the left-hand side should be "y".
page 144, problem 3.4.2, first and second line.
Cross out the confusing: ``and in closed form.''
page 145, algorithm (3.4.15)
Contributed by Laura Cervino
Please replace "s'i" with
just before the END DO.
page 154, second line.
Please replace ``C(m-1)''
with ``C(m)''
page 159,
line 9
Please change to read:
'' At the end of the Nth pass
corresponding to m=N, ..."
middle of the page.
The statement: "except that its columns may have been switched
due to pivoting" is incorrect.
The correct statement is:
"except that its columns may have been switched
due to column pivoting, if implemented; row pivoting does not
affect the appearance of the inverse".
third line of the paragraph of subsection:
Computation of the inverse
Please modify to read "may have been switched due to
column-pivoting, if implemented."
page 163, equation (3.7.3).
Contributed by Mark Blyth
Please cross out the minus sign (-) on the right-hand side.
page 175,
equation (3.9.12)
For clarity, please change ``i'' to ``j'' in three places.
penultimate line
Please replace "write" with ''consider the perturbed vector''
page 176, equation (3.9.18)
Please change "less than or equal" to "<".
page 181, fourth line after equation (4.1.11)
Please change "Section 3.8" to "Section 3.9".
page 183, equation (4.1.16)
should be:
page 191
Third line of the second paragraph
of ``Graphical Interpretation ...''
Please change ">" to "<".
Fourth line of the second paragraph
of ``Graphical Interpretation ...''
Please change "<" to ">"
page 198, Figure 4.3.2
The first graph should be labelled "(a)",
and the second graph should be labelled "(b)".
page 200, Line 13
Contributed by Thomas Condra.
Please change ``buy'' to ``by'' before ``Steffensen''.
page 205, line 2 up.
"X1=1" should be "X1=2".
page218, line before equation (4.7.22).
Please cross out "kern-1pt".
page 227,
line 4.
"f1" should be "f0".
equation (5.1.11).
Please change "1+cos(...)" to "1-cos(...)"
and "4 cos2(...)" to "4 sin2(...)"
equation (5.1.12).
Please change "cos(...)" to "sin(...)"
two lines after equation (5.1.12).
Please change "m=N" to "m=1"
two lines before equation (5.1.13).
Please change "kappaN2" to
equation (5.1.13).
Please change "kappaN2" to
"kappa12" on the left-hand side.
page 230, first line of problem 5.1.6
Please replace "the coefficients" with "the matrix elements".
page 236,
equation (5.3.1).
Immediately following this equation, please add the sentence:
"where b and c are either both positive (case 1)
or both negative (case 2)."
equation (5.3.3)
Please change "+" to "+-" (plus over minus).
line after equation (5.3.3)
Please change to read:
"... matrix; the plus sign applies for
case 1, and the minus sign applies for case 2. Using ..."
equation (5.3.4)
Please change "+" to "+-" (plus over minus).
equation (5.3.5)
lamdaB in the denominator should
be lamdaT'
page 237,
equation (5.3.7)
Please change "+" to "+-" (plus minus).
equation (5.3.8).
The exponent 1/2 should be
page 240, last line of problem (5.3.5).
Please replace "Compare" with "Compute".
page 267, equation (6.2.12).
"x1" in the denominator should be
page 286, line after equation (6.6.3).
Please replace ``(6.6.3)'' with ``(6.6.2)''
page 304, last example
Please change the left hand side of the equation to:
page 307, Equations (6.9.7)
Contributed by Jaesung Lee.
Please multiply the right-hand sides by 1/2.
page 317, last line
Contributed by
Eric Lauga and
Mark Blyth.
Please change the second "11" to "-2".
page 334, last example
Please change the left hand side of the equation to:
page 352, Table 7.3.3
The weight ``w2)''
for the Eight-point formula should be:
0.34112 270
page 353, Graphs at the bottom of the page.
The labels of m corresponding to the four curves
should be arranged in the reverse order:
m= 0.20 should be m=2,
0.50 should be 1,
1 should be 0.5,
2 should be 0.25.
page 362, Table 7.4.1, line4.
Contributed by Steve Yon.
"h(t)" should be "q(t)".
page 371
- illustration
Contributed by Mark H. Blyth
Please change ay
to bx on the x axis,
and bx
to ay on the y axis.
- equation (7.7.5)
Contributed by Jaesung Lee
Please modify the numerator of the fraction to read:
(ay - ax)(by - bx )
page 384
- second line
Please change "... us provides ..." to
"provides us ...".
- equation (7.8.1)
Please change "+" to "="
page 388, Reference: Cools R., and Rabinowitz, P.
Contributed by Mark G. Blyth
Please modify the volume number from 43 to 48
page 391, equation (8.2.2)
Please change "f(x)(8.2.2)" to "f(x)"
page 392, Illustration.
should be
page 396, Matrix in block .
The very first element of the matrix should be "N+1"
instead of "N".
page 403, fourth line of the third paragraph
Please change "we call" to "are called".
page 406,
Bottom line
Please change "12 unknowns" to "16 unknowns".
line 1up
Please change "quadratic" to "cubic".
page 407, Top line
Contributed by Michael J Findler
Please change "12 coefficients " to "16 coefficients".
page 408, Equation (8.4.14) top line,
Contributed by Yuhsuan Huang
Please change "(xi + 2)2 " to "(xi + 2)3".
page 412, Equation (8.5.2)
Contributed by Chris Milligan.
Please change "P" to "R" on the left-hand side.
page 412, Equation (8.5.14)
Contributed by Chris Milligan.
Please change "i=1" to "i=0" on the right-hand side.
page 417, Table 8.6.1.
Please modify the header to read: " p, q are integers"
Please change the first line on the right-hand side of
the second identity to read: " p=q=0"
Please also change the second line on the right-hand side
of the second identity to read: " p=q ne 0"
page 420, fourth line after equation (8.6.13)
Please change "repect" to "respect".
page 432, equation (8.8.2)
Contributed by Eric Herbold
Please change ""pi" to py".
page 437, Figure 9.1.1.
The lower ray of the angle should be parallel to the
$t$ axis.
page 438, line 3
Contributed by Jinchi Lu
Please cross out the unecessary:
" = d2x/d2t."
page 442, last line of problem 9.1.5
Please change
to "cC"
page 450, line5
Please modify to read: "and X is the fixed point
of the linear system."
page 453, algorithm (9.2.30),
line 8.
Contributed by Jinchi Lu
Please cross out the superfluous "it" in the exponent
to read: "fTemp(2)".
page454, first line of the second paragraph
Please change "We developed" to "We have developed"
page 489, first equation (10.2.9)
Contributed by Frederick Redell
Please change equation number to (10.2.8).
page 491, penultimate line
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change "(10.2.15)" to "(10.2.16)".
page 493, line after equation (10.2.24)
Please change "obtian" to "obtain".
page 495, line after equation (10.3.3)<
Contributed by Frederick Redell
Please change "tN+1" to
page 496, drawing
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
the handicapped label should read: "tiE".
page 501, line after equation (10.4.14) and
on the next line
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Change "right-hand side" to "left-hand side" in
two places.
page 506
first line in equation (10.4.25)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change "hi" to "h1"
second line in equation (10.4.25)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change
"hi" to "hi/2".
At the bottom of the page, after equation (10.4.27),
please add the clarification:
The third term on the right-hand side of (10.2.27) arises
by approximating t on the left-hand side of (10.4.1)
with the sum shown on the right-hand side of (10.4.4),
where xi is replaced by
page 507, fifth line from bottom.
Please change "identity" to "identify"
page 519, line after equation (10.6.18)
Contributed by Kurt Knutson
Please change "R" to "-R".
page 520, fourth line of the second paragraph
Please change "investagage" to "investigate".
page 521, equation (10.6.26)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change "UI" to "Ui".
page 523, equation (10.7.2)
Please append the term " -3(u/a)(da/dt)" to the left-hand
page 528, equation (11.1.7)
Contributed by Jinchi Lu
Please change the second "df/dx" to "df/dy"
page 530, equation (11.1.16)
Please change the "x" in the first partial derivative
to "t" (derivative with respect to time).
page 537, long equation near the bottom
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change "-2 g Delta x" to
"-2 g alpha Delta x".
page 541, equation 11.2.18
Please change "cos" to "sin".
page 543,
first line of problem 11.2.1
Please replace ``condution'' with ``conduction''
last line of problem 11.2.1
Contributed by Kurt Knutson
Please cross out the superfluous "of".
page 545, equation (11.2.36)
Contributed by Wai Leung
The right-hand side should be:
" - e fni-2
+ 4 e fn i-1 + (1-6 e) fin
+ 4 e fni+1 - e fni+2"
page 546, equation (11.3.4)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please remove "fi,j n + "
immediately after the "=" sign.
page 548, Last sentence of penultimate paragraph
Please change "a" to "alpha "at three places.
page 550, equation (11.3.22) and line after
Contributed by Jaesung Lee
Please delete the exponent "2" from all alphas.
page 551, southeast
Contributed by Charles Negus
Please change "Newmann" to "Neumann".
page 552, line 4 up
Contributed by Kurt Knutson
Please change "alorithm" to "algorithm".
page 554, third line of Table 11.4.1
Please change "...constant w..."
to "...constant omega..."
page 559
equation (11.5.13)
Contributed by Mike Artimez
The second term on the right-hand side should be:
line 16.
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change to read:
" ... is equal to - ½ (1+c) U Dx,
which is nonnegative"
(change the - sign to a + plus sign).
page 560
equation (11.5.14)
Contributed by David Garrido Lopez
Numerator of the last fraction:
Please change "+" to "-".
fourth line after equation (11.5.17)
Contributed by Jinchi Lu
The denominator should be "c"
instead of "2c",
first line of the section on The Explicit
Lax-Wendroff Method.
Please change "FTFS" to "FTCS".
page 566, equation (11.5.41)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change the last
" Eni-1"
to " Eni+1".
page 567, equation (11.5.44)
Contributed by Chih-Chung Yuan
Please change the last
" Eni-1"
to " E*i-1".
page 568, equation (11.6.2)
Contributed by Jinchi Lu
The left-hand side should be
page 569, equation (11.6.7)
The right-hand side of (11.6.7) should be multiplied
by 1/2.
page 575, equation (11.7.30)
Contributed by Jitse Niesen
The term " (1+r)Ein"
on the right-hand side should be replaced by
page 576, equation (11.7.31)
Contributed by Jitse Niesen
The right-hand side should read:
" 1/2 [fin
+ fi* - r (...)
+ alpha (...f*i-1]"
(Three terms modified.)
page 586, equation (B.2)
Contributed by Jaesung Lee
Please change the second ``i=j'' to ``i ne j''.
page 587,
- line 7
Pleass change "m linearly independent" to
"m+1 linearly independent''.
- line 9 up
Please change "weigting'' to "weighting''
page 600, last equation for wi
Please revise the equation to read:
wi = 2/[m(m+1)]
This is tantamount to substituting $m+1$
for $m$ in three places.
page 601, Equation after header: Differential equation
Contributed by
Francois Primeau
Please insert a second prime (') on the first term
to indicate the second derivative.
page 615, third paragraph
Please change "cd /pub/" to "www/pozrikidis/NCSE".