
  1. page 3, line 9 up
    Contributed by Justin Case
    Please replace ``center or rotation'' with ``center of rotation''.

  2. page 8, equation (1.3.13)
    Please replace the period with a comma at the end of the equation.

  3. page 10, equation (1.3.24)
    Contributed by Zhang
    Please replace the period with a comma at the end of the equation.

  4. page 14, first equation in (1.3.40)
    Please replace ``er'' with ``etheta'' on the right-hand side.

  5. page 14, problem (1.4.1)
    ``equations'' should be an undivided word.

  6. page 47

    1. problem c.1.7.1(a), line 2
      Please replace ``main'' with ``menu''.

    2. problem c.1.7.1(a), line 3
      Contributed by Weixing Zhou
      Please replace ``velcocity'' with ``velocity''.

  7. page 70, second equation in (2.4.7)
    Contributed by Weixing Zhou
    Please replace "1" with "q" in the numerator of the fraction.

  8. page 91, last line
    Please replace "condition" with "value".

  9. page 120,
    1. second equation in (3.2.21)
      Please replace the second``sin'' with ``cos''.
    2. third equation in (3.2.21)
      Please replace the ``cos'' with ``sin''.

  10. page 132, equation (3.4.1) and line before, equation (3.4.2)
    Please replace the variable ``w'' with ``x'' at eighteen places!

  11. page 200, figure 4.7.2.
    The three edges of the differential control volume corresponding to constant r and theta
    and varying phi are drawn erroneously with concave instead of convex curvature, as shown below:

  12. page 205, equation 4.8.1
    Please replace ``l'' with ``l/µ'' in the middle expression.

  13. page 212, three lines after equation (5.1.14)
    Please replace "between" with "between the".

  14. page 214, second line of Section 5.1.6
    Please replace "physical constant" with "physical property".

  15. page 216, Problem 5.1.2
    1. First line:
      Please replace ``troposhpere'' with ``troposphere''.
    2. Equation (5.1.28):
      Please replace ``beta'' with ``alpha'' in the numerator of the fraction inside the parentheses.

  16. page 218, line before equation 5.2.3
    Please change to read "distribution over the sphere is given by".

  17. page 251
    1. first line of problem c.5.8.1
      Contributed by Weixing Zhou
      Please replace "05_hydrostat" with "03_hydrostat"

    2. first line of problem c.5.8.2
      Contributed by Weixing Zhou
      Please replace "05_hydrostat" with "03_hydrostat"

  18. page 280, Problem 6.4.2
    Please align the header.

  19. page 293, equation (6.6.9)
    Please put a ``rho'' (density) in front of ''g'' on the right-hand side.

  20. page 309, equation (7.1.8)
    Contributed by Mark Blyth
    Please cross out the fraction ``1/2'' on the right-hand side.

  21. page 314, problem 7.1.1(b)
    Please replace ``are all equal'' to ``defined in (7.1.18) are all equal''.

  22. page 326, problem 7.2.3
    Please change ``Problem 7.2.3'' to ``Problem 7.3.3 ''

  23. page 371, equation (8.2.16)
    Contributed by Weixing Zhou
    Please replace "1/µ" with "D y2/µ" in three places, where "D" stands for "Delta".
    Please also replace"D x2" "D y2" in the second entry.

  24. page 383, two lines before equation 8.4.2
    Please replace ``left-hand side'' with ``right-hand side''.

  25. page 387, two lines after equation 8.5.1
    Please replace ``proportional'' with ``proportional to''.

  26. page 401,
    1. two lines before equation (8.7.4)
      Please replace ``covection'' with ``convection''.
    2. first line in (8.7.6)
      Contributed by Yu-hsuan Huang
      Please insert a minus sign after the equal sign.

  27. page 406,
    1. Equation (8.7.23)
      Contributed by Yu-hsuan Huang
      Please change ``y'' to ``x'' on the left-hand side.
    2. Equation (8.7.24)
      Contributed by Yu-hsuan Huang
      Please change ``y'' to ``x'' on the left-hand side, and ``Ny'' to ``Nx'' in two places on the right-hand side.

  28. page 489, second equation in (10.3.11)
    Please replace ``Rex'' with ``Rex1/2''

  29. page 545, second line of Section 10.7.3
    Please replace ``ithe'' with ``ith'' .

  30. page 554, first line of Section 11.2.5
    Contributed by Weixing Zhou
    Please change ``infuence'' to ``influence''

  31. page 558, first line of Section 11.2.7
    Contributed by Weixing Zhou
    Please change ``of a point'' to ``of point'' (cross out the ``a'').

  32. page 564, equation (11.2.23)
    Contributed by Yu-hsuan Huang and Weixing Zhou
    Please change``sinh'' to ``sin'' in the numerator.

  33. page 575, equation (11.3.20)
    Contributed by Yu-hsuan Huang
    Please remove ``t(x', y')'' from inside the integral.

  34. page 587
    1. equation (11.5.4)
      Please replace ``cos(phi-phi')'' with ``[1 + cos(phi-phi')]''

    2. line above equation (11.5.5) Please replace ``dx' dy' dy''' with``dx' dy' dz'''.

  35. page 589, equation (11.5.17)
    Please replace the period in the end with a comma.

  36. page 591, first equation in (11.5.19)
    Please replace ``sigma'" with``sigmar".

  37. page 600, first equation of (11.5.32)
    Contributed by A.S.
    Please insert ``sigma2'' before the opening parenthesis.

  38. page 613
    1. line 7up
      Please put a comma ``,'' after the three dots.

    2. equation (12.3.4)
      Please replace ``x-yi'' with ``y-yi' on the right-hand side.

  39. page 625,
    1. equations (12.4.14)
      Please insert ``Ux +'' after the second equal sign ``='' in the first equation,
      and ``Uy +'' after the second equal sign ``='' in the second equation.

    2. equations (12.4.15)
      Please replace ``b'' with ``a'' in eight places on the right-hand sides.

  40. page 627,
    1. equation (12.4.21)
      Please add `` Delta l (i)'' before the second equal sign ``=''

    2. equation (12.4.23) Please replace ``+pinf'' with ``-pinf/(1/2 rho U2)''.

  41. page 636, equation (12.5.29)
    In the second line, please change the second the third ``+'' signs to ``-''.

  42. page 637,
    1. Two lines before equation (12.5.35)
      Please remove one of the extraneous periods.

    2. equations Please replace the last period ``.'' with a comma ``,''.